IN Life Amplification

Commonly people forget themselves – remember you are the only you and you need to take care of you first to be able to help others.

- Inger Nordin



We help mid-life professional women step into their POWER - financially, personally, and professionally - without  compromising their femininity. 

Inger Nordin

Inger Nordin

Owner & CEO

International Bestselling Author, Award Winning Speaker, Life & Business Coach

EDUCATION: MSc Computer Science & Technology * Executive Master of Business Administration * Project Management Professional * Effective Directorship * Business Accelerator Bootcamp * Millionaire Business Builder Camp * Ultimate Leadership Camp * Life Enhancement Processing

COMPETENCE AREAS: Marketing * Leadership * Handling Change Processes * Board work (Chairman) * Teaching * Project Management * Lecturer/Speaker * Mentoring * Key Account Management * Sales * Security – from a business perspective

Inger Nordin is an International Bestselling Author (3 books), Award Winning Speaker, and a Life & Business Coach. She’s a networker, connector, and inspirer – known for her big heart and always wanting to share and help others.

After retiring Inger felt like she was in a vacuum and that something was missing. Inger went from a dynamic corporate life managing others to not having a purpose and not feeling valued. She missed being a part of something and felt she had so much more to offer. It wasn’t until Inger was focusing more deeply on her own personal development path in 2017 that she realized her innate ability to coach and support others. As she was helping others get on track, they kept telling her how inspiring she was and that she had a duty to step up and share her gift.

People just kept coming for support and as Inger helped them get on track and coached them she realized this was her path. It was rewarding. With that in mind, Inger started IN Life Amplification (amplify your life) in 2021 with her focus on bringing life and business coaching together. “You can’t raise one without addressing the other they go hand in hand.” says Inger. Inger’s clients states that she makes a difference in their lives for the better. With over 35 years’ experience from big international corporations in management positions, she cultivated her leadership to uplift others and bring out the best in them. Being goal-oriented and result-oriented, helps her keep her clients on track and help them work through any obstacles holding them back.

Working in the corporate world, Inger had seen so many women compromise their femininity and personal life. So, she’s made it her mission to help mid-life women step into their power - financially, personally, and professionally - without compromising their femininity. Inger does this through workshops, online trainings, masterminds, and one-one coaching.

Her motto is:

“It’s never too late to start over – I did it when I was 65 – what’s your excuse?

Our Team

Below are the dream team servicing you - all of us speak English

Inger Nordin

Owner, Life & Business Coach, Money Management Strategist and Course Instructor

Swedish speaking

Sonia Benavent


Spanish speaking

Florian Fritz

Money Teacher