IN Life Amplification

When you really express gratitude you focus your mind and you grow. You open yourself to new relationships and adventures.

- Inger Nordin

Our services


- in different languages


We offer this online and in physical meetings.


We offer this online for the time being. 

What our customers say -Testimonials

I've been through some tough things in life (I'm not alone here). What I have not understood is how it has affected me in my life, although it happened a number of years ago and I thought that I have processed them. When Inger told me about the processing, I thought it was interesting and wanted to try, because I have felt that I was stuck in some way. I was surprised by what I experienced and realized that certain memories and shocks have hindered and limited me in my life. After Inger's processing, I feel that the memories of what happened no longer affect me in the same way, I feel a great relief and liberation. Feel that I have found my way back to my strength and can move on with new faith in the future. Thanks Inger

- Anne Göransson

”Carrying several shocks with you for a decade is of no joke but a reality for me. I thought I got over those and I’ll just move on with my life but it turns out that it was dragging me down ever since. This is when I asked for the help of Inger to process me on these shocks. What I like with how Inger process is how she really listens to you more than you listen to yourself. She can dig in and bring out the real scenario without you noticing it. And the best part, after surfacing the real problem, she processes it professionally as she guides you in you finding your way to solve your problem. Now, regardless of any triggers or memories that pop out, I am no longer moved nor affected by those shocks anymore and I even have a better relationship with the persons involved in those shocks. All thanks to Inger!”

-Migs Abad

”Inger Nordin - my fellow author, accountability buddy, business and life coach, and dear friend. It has been a joy to share the author's journey with you. You kept me on track with my book, interviews and ideas, but also with my well-being. I have you to thank for getting me through to publishing with my marriage and sanity intact. You've been there for me (sometimes very late-night!), always extraordinary, loving and kind.”

- Heather Landex

“Inger champions the belief that it’s never too late to make changes and her story of starting a business at 65 is inspirational.

I have also personally benefited from her guidance and expertise.

Specifically, Inger’s willingness to share her knowledge of marketing has helped me shape a focused outreach strategy.I now have greater clarity and confidence with my marketing message and how to approach school leaders.Thank you Inger for your warmth and generosity.

Ragini Hildreth,

Career Transition Coach for Teachers


Focusing on YOU

The Key to Get Better Relationships and Increased Sales

The True Impact of Being Present in The Now

Have you ever got the thought “Communication is the hardest thing!” and “I’m always misinterpreted!"

By being present in the now you prepare the way for getting deeper personal and professional connections. When you are fully present in the now - you are really there for the person in front of you. You are clearer in your communications; that is, your communication skills are enlarged. You that communication is the base for every trust building relationship.

Workshops - The Power of You2

Science of the Mind

  • Learn how to be present in the now
  • Get clarity on what you like to work with
  • Learn technics to start & end the day being happy


Sales - yourself, a product/service

  • Learn technics to build up your client list and follow up
  • Learn how to focus to get a meeting
  • Learn how to use different technics during the meeting and to close a deal; e.g., the SPIN-model



  • Learn technics to start the day in a focused way – get routines to follow
  • Understand how to attract what you want
  • Learn how to work on feeling good


Social Media - FB/LinkedIn/Twitter, etc

  • Learn how to use social media to build your brand
  • Get clarity on how to use/not use Facebook
  • Learn how to set up your company page on Facebook and LinkedIn
